53 articles

Russell 2000 (RUT) Is Near All-Time Highs, while Nasdaq (NDX) Struggles in the Support Zone
Russell 2000 rises on the positive vaccine news, while Nasdaq struggles again.

Volatility Index (VIX) Short Positioning Is One of the Biggest in History
The volume of short positions is growing in the volatility index of S&P 500 (VIX).

Nasdaq (NDX) Might Change Very Soon, as Volatility Sends Signals
The situation is aggravated by the fact that the VXN volatility index is now at a fairly high level.

US Stock Futures Fell by More -1.5% on Average After Trump's Announcement
The US market was shaken by the news that President Trump tested positive for coronavirus.

September for Nasdaq (NDX) Has Started as One of the Worst Ever. The Bear Trend is Possible
Technological index fells dramatically after a few months of consecutive growth.

Lumber Outperformed Nasdaq (NDX), S&P 500 (SPX) and Dow Jones (DJIA) to Become the Asset with the Highest Return
Lumber suddenly became the asset with the highest return despite Nasdaq's rampant rally.

The Nasdaq 100 (NDX) Is Close to Its 50-Day Moving Average Support Line That Could Determine the Future of the Market
New resistance on the way of the bearish trend that has snowed Big Tech under.