58 articles
Index-Following Hedge Funds Struggled this Year Due to High Volatility and Instability
In times of spikes and high market volatility, passive hedge funds do poorly.

S&P 500 (SPX) Correction Triggered the Short Positions’ Increase to $47 Billion by Large Speculators

Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet Is Now More than $7 Trillion after an Enormous One-Quarter Growth
The highest spike ever due to the Fed's anti-crisis measures.

Wilshire 5000's (W5000) Total Capitalization Is More than 175% of the US GDP for the First Time Ever

The Biggest Gap between the Amount of Corporate Debt and Bond Yields
The Federal Reserve is creating a monster on the debt market.

U.S. Households' Net Worth Is 6 Times Higher than GDP of the US, New All-Time High
When compared to GDP, households are richer than they were before the 2008 crisis.

Money Supply Is Growing Despite Falling Commercial and Industrial Loans
If this gap between supply and demand grows, the economy will face a serious rise in inflation.

China's Share in MSCI Emerging Market Index Reaches All-Time High of 40%
The difference with the country taking the second place is colossal.

People All Over the Globe Believe that the US Is Losing Its Leading Economic Power Status to China
The poll shows people's tendency to see China as a new economic leader.