Peter Smith
507 articles
Staff author
Pete is a content writing, managing, leading expert with a decade worth of experience in the field. He is focused on the global economy and the stock market. Pete's reaction to the important market signals is fast and his analysis is thorough, exactly how the large markets should be approached. You can contact him via email: peter.smith@thetradable.com
Contact us if you have any questions or remarks.
Jeroen Blockland Shows an Unprecedented Gap Between Prices for Gold and Silver
The Head of Robeco Asset Management reports an unprecedented gap between gold and silver prices.

FANGMAN Market Cap is Now Higher than GDP of Germany, Italy and Indonesia Combined
The market capitalization of 7 U.S. tech companies now exceeds the combined GDP of three countries.

Elon Musk Revealed Plans To Start Selling Tesla (TSLA) Model 3 In India
Elon Musk tweeted about the upcoming launch of the Tesla Model 3 in India.

Tesla (TSLA) Catches 23% of the Chinese Electric Vehicle Market, Increasing the Share of Sold Model 3
Tesla (TSLA) holds 23% of the electronic vehicle market in China in June.