The wide gap between growth and value stocks has been known to investors for many years now. To put simply, the former supersedes the latter and this year the pattern persists.
Investors are searching for an alternative to growth stocks will pick from hundreds of commercially feasible exchange-bought funds.
A Twitter user under the nickname of Macro Charts warned that price records are followed by no less destructive corrections. Especially when trading with margin funds.
$AAPL speculative options activity is spiking into the stratosphere.Will be fascinating to see how far this mania goes – maybe new records? I'll revisit this soon.Remember: the blow-offs in '07/'12 led to collapses of 45-60% next 12M. Enjoy the ride, but don't forget gravity. Macro Charts @MacroCharts via Twitter
Over the last couple of weeks, the firm has seen 5 downward forecast updates, indicating that there could be problems on the way. And keep an eye on this stock to see if the latest change will last longer.
Shares of the Apple company remain one of the most popular shares among users of the trading application called Robinhood. At the same time, the promotions continue to update the historical maximums after introducing new services. Also, Apple is in the list of those companies, which in the index S&P500 grow and update the tops.