Are Record Gains coming on the Quarterly Report?
Ross Gerber, a co-founder and a CEO of Gerber Kawasaki advisor, reminds that today after trading session is the time for Netflix’s quarterly report. Netflix currently has a leading position in the segment of streaming services, despite the increasing competition.
According to Mr. Gerber, this report will demonstrate significant growth based on key indicators of the company, as Netflix has become one of a few companies, which benefitted from a situation of when people all around the world were forced to be locked down inside their homes.
Options Traders' opinion.
Will Meade, a former portfolio manager at $1.4 billion hedge fund, with reference to CNBC, also reports that options traders are betting that Netflix stocks will set a new all-time high after the report is published.
Options traders expect the stock to exceed $550 after the world has seen the report.
Current situation.
For most of the coronavirus pandemic, Netflix stocks have shown solid gains. They set a new record last week, hitting $550 after surging more than 8% in one trading day.
The stock is currently trading at just over $320. It shows a rapid rise after yesterday's significant drop in all US market indices.