An analyst, Holger Zschaepitz, noted that Google is playing a sneaky game and maybe promoting some unfair competition. The fact is that users of online advertising, in his opinion, should pay much more in order to show their ads in the search results.

A trend for better response and more ad profits has made internet platforms more costly for customers. Some might say the internet company went too far.
This is the result of the decision made in 2015 to test a fourth ad, rather than three, at the top of the search results. Several workers also criticized the change and said that according to sources close to the negotiations, it might reduce the consistency of Google's answers.
But Google's subtle tweaks swept away crucial traffic and made it difficult – and pricier – for many web publishers and other businesses, who have traditionally relied on the Internet giant to bring users to their site.
Our search results are the best we know how to produce. They are unbiased and objective Sergey Brin, a co-founder of Google
At the same time, as it turned out, this strategy is very profitable for Google. The company has only grown in revenue since the innovation, and the company's shares have grown. At the same time, this makes the company one of the most expensive in the world with the highest capitalization.