And although it’s a good idea to hire a professional in some cases (and which cases they are depends on your own skills, confidence, and how much specialist knowledge is needed to get the job done in the right way with good results), a lot of everyday home fixes can be done yourself and they’re totally manageable.
Of course, sometimes what might seem like a really small job ends up taking an entire day, and that’s not a great situation to be in, but that’s why you need to remember that the key to making home repairs easier and faster is to prepare ahead of time - use your time there, and the job itself shouldn’t be too tricky. With that in mind, keep reading to find out more.
Have The Right Tools For The Job
Nothing slows down a simple repair faster than realising you don’t have the right tool halfway through - there’s nothing worse than standing there, mid-project, covered in dust or paint, and wondering why you didn’t just get whatever tool it is you need (and why you thought you could manage without).
A basic toolkit should include essentials like a hammer, screwdriver (both flathead and Phillips), an adjustable spanner, pliers, and a tape measure. A power drill is a great idea as well as it works for a lot of DIY tasks, and if you’re doing anything involving wood, a nail gun will definitely make life a lot easier. You should take a moment to think about the types of jobs you’re likely to do, and the ones you’re happy to do, and consider which tools are needed for those jobs - then make sure you’ve got them.
Get Organised Before You Start
Jumping into a repair without a plan is a terrible idea - it’s just going to make things take an extra long time, you’ll get frustrated, and, no matter how much you might want things to turn out better, the fact is that the results may not be as good as you’d hoped if you don’t really know what you’re meant to be doing or how to get started.
That’s why, before you start on any home repair, you should take a minute to gather everything you need. Start by checking online to find a list of tools and equipment, or perhaps watch a tutorial video that tells you how it should all go before you begin. Having all your tools within reach is another useful tip - it’ll cut down on those frustrating interruptions where you have to stop what you’re doing and go and find what you need (or even go to the shop and buy what you need).
Work Smarter, Not Harder
Some home repairs are really straightforward, but others can be an absolute nightmare if you don’t know some useful time-saving tricks to try to get things done more quickly but still to a high standard.
For example, if you’re struggling to remove a stripped screw, just put a rubber band over the top and then use your screwdriver - you’ll have more grip so you should be able to turn it. And if you need to fill a hole in the wall, did you know you can use a bit of toothpaste (it’s not the best solution, but it’s good in an emergency)? Plus, if you’ve ever been working and then found your screws and nails have disappeared when you weren’t looking, just stick them to a magnet, and they’ll be exactly where you need them when you need them. There are so many useful hacks like these, so it’s worth exploring as many as you can to ensure you’ve got the quickest, easiest, smartest way of working.
Don’t Rush
There’s a fine line between taking your time and spending far too long second-guessing yourself, and getting the balance right is exactly what’s going to help you. One key idea is to find one simple, easy-to-understand guide that contains all the step by step instructions for whatever it is you need, and use that - if you’ve got something like that, you don’t have to look at other guides or watch loads of videos because you’ve already got all the information you’re going to need.
At the same time, don’t rush and make mistakes because a lot of the time, those mistakes will end up costing more than it would have cost to get a professional to do the job in the first place. There’s a saying that goes ‘measure twice, cut once’ and it’s a good motto to live by when it comes to home repairs. In other words, double-check everything and you’ll be able to reduce the mistakes and have a great-looking home that you can be proud of.
Know When To Get Help
Not all home repairs should be tackled alone, and there’s absolutely no shame in admitting defeat if a job is beyond your skill level - if everyone could do everything, there’d be no need for professionals in any field, but the truth is that no one can do everything, and that’s why the experts exist to help.
If you’re dealing with major plumbing or electrical work, or there’s some kind of structural element to things, then the best bet is to call the professionals in to do the work - it’s safer for one thing, and they know what they’re doing, so it’ll be quicker and the results will be better. In the end, if a mistake could lead to a disaster, that’s when you know you need help.
Have A Maintenance Routine
The best way to make home repairs easier is to stop them happening in the first place, and a bit of maintenance goes a long way in keeping your home in good shape.
So when you see a little job that needs doing, just do it. You can easily tighten loose screws before they become a problem, for example, and you can check for leaks under the sink before they start causing water damage. It’s these small fixes that can prevent major issues, and if you have a routine to go around your home checking for little issues, that’s going to save a lot of time, effort, and money in the end.