Clovr, a research corporation focusing on blockchainrecently conducted a survey which put forth the question of using fiat and cryptocurrency during elections. It was found that about 60% of Americans strongly believe that during elections, cryptocurrencies should be treated exactly the same way as fiat currency.
To make it credible, clovr picked over 1000 voters from all over the country. These voters were asked questions to check their knowledge on the various impacts which the inclusion of digital currencies would have on the political process. To all the questions asked, 60% felt that they should be treated the same way while 27% thought otherwise.
When asked for their reasons and about the security of the cryptocurrency, 67% of the voters who were identified themselves as core Republicans felt that at this point and during the election period, the use of cryptocurrencies would be very safe. 52% of the other set of voters who were Democrats also felt the same way about the digital currencies. However, when it came to voters who do not have any party, about 40% felt that cryptocurrencies would be a good fit during the election period.
The parties who had a good knowledge of what digital currencies were all about showed great confidence in the security of such digital currencies. This was shown in the 73% of voters who felt this way as against 23% who were concerned about the security of such cryptocurrencies. When it came to the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies for political purposes, 52% of Republican voters felt that the digital currencies were just stable enough. However, most of the Democrats felt that the digital currencies were not stable enough. This is seen in the 40% of voters who approved the stability of such cryptocurrencies.
About 25% agreed that if they had the opportunity to contribute crypto funds during the election process, they would. When this percentage is divided between the Republican and Democrats, 20% of the Republicans held this view while just about 10-15% of the Democrats felt they would make a donation in crypto form.
However, both sets of voters felt concerned that the use of crypto funds would facilitate some form of external interferences from other forces. Most of the voters who had this impression were Democrats. Also, many people who were included in the survey concluded that the introduction of crypto in the election could actually lead to the illegal use of those currencies thereafter. This was the view across all sets of voters.