The New Era of DeFi
A famous billionaire and a crypto investor Cameron Winklevoss believes that now the DeFi market is for the better different from what users saw 3 years ago when many protocols were not debugged and fraudulent schemes flourished.

Now, according to Mr. Winklevoss, the market is really working, the time for DeFi has come.
In the comments to the tweet, a crypto investor Robin Lift agrees with him, claiming that the future is behind DeFi, while faith in Bitcoin has already been lost.

More Users Join DeFi Abandoning Centralized Exchanges
Apparently, his opinion is shared to some extent by other crypto traders, as centralized cryptocurrency exchanges suffer from a decrease in trade volumes, more and more users are switching to DeFi.

Cameron and his twin brother Tyler are entrepreneurs and crypto investors, they are also founders of Winklevoss Capital Management and Gemini cryptocurrency exchange. They are known for accusing Mark Zuckerberg in 2004 of borrowing their idea of interaction between Harvard's ConnectU students, which soon became known as Facebook.
Large centralized platforms are now showing interest in DeFi as well. However, experts have begun to warn that the DeFi segment is starting to show signs of a bubble. While its explosion is probably still far away, such statements are alarming the market.