Local to Global
The Blockchain Service, which was initially available within China, has now gone global. The service allows blockchain developers to quickly manage and deploy dApps on the cloud that is quicker and far cheaper than the alternatives available.
Huawei claims the Blockchain Service can be used by a number of industries, including data applications, financial companies and even Internet of Things. The industrial users can utilize the service in a variety of ways such as identity management, track and tracing, financial transactions and healthcare.
Development and deployment of blockchain environments can be a daunting task for any organization. The immense amount of complexity causes this end of decentralization to be slow and cumbersome. With Huawei Cloud’s Blockchain Service, developers can now concentrate on other tasks at hand while Huawei Cloud takes care of the rest.
Cheaper, Efficient, Faster
According to Huawei, the service is designed to be extremely flexible and efficient. Users can easily join, switch over and quit nodes and members. The service also offers different types of consensus that are efficient and have high number of simultaneous transactions possible (in excess of 5 thousand transactions per second). With the platform having a single management when it comes to the security and privacy protocols of blockchain, it drastically reduces costs involved and make the service cheaper.
Huawei has worked in the blockchain sector for more than two years, with it even having a partnership with Hyperledger in 2016. The telecom and technology giant has pursued the technology with a fervor and its latest service shows that it is seriously working on the decentralized technology.
The move comes only weeks after Alibaba’s Blockchain as a Servicealso went global. The move by Huawei marks the trend of Chinese tech giants taking blockchain services global.