The market cap continues to inflate. Investors continue buying shares of technology companies. Yesterday, there were earnings reports from Tesla and Microsoft. Also yesterday, markets closed at 155.3% in relation to GDP. An expert and a trader, Sven Henrich, believes that this is the biggest financial bubble in history.
Today, stock markets are doing very well. They will very soon reach their All-Time Highs. Experts say the policy being used by most central banks to rekindle the world economy is the perfect way to invest in securities.
At a period of extreme unemployment, the world economy is doing its hardest to maintain momentum and avert further deflation. They now have their prices high from zero, which is an ideal opportunity for capital markets to prosper. Currently, all indices are up, and in the immediate future, the world stock market will hit a record peak.
Some experts have repeatedly stated that the market is behaving strangely and growth cannot last forever. A few weeks ago, Peter Schiff claimed that the stock market is expecting a correction.